In this article I am going to write about HOW MUCH SUGAR IS TOO MUCH.I am going to discuss a specific topic and that is how much sugar intake is too much when it comes to reaching your physique goals sugar has been demonized quite a bit over the last couple of years I want to talk about a few things I was worried about sugar and what it was then and what it has become now and these kind of questions comes from mind So if I talk about sugar intake.
What is the maximum amount of Sugar?
that you can have in a single day before you start having negative side effects I want you to think of your sugar capacity as like a bucket okay and you can fill this bucket up with sugar and as long as you are occasionally dumping the bucket out you can add sugar in but if you add a bunch of sugar into this bucket and you never dump this bucket out and the sugar gets a chance to get to the top and overflow when you are overflowing is when you experience the bulk of the side effects so everyone has a different sized bucket and the purpose of this article is to help you learn what size your bucket is but also how much sugar fills your bucket so this topic is nicely broken down into a sedentary category average category and active category and not one single category defines you as a person you can have periods of your life where you are more active periods of your time of your life where you are more sedentary you know what is really scary if you look historically in 1776 the average people consumed about four pounds of sugar in a year then in 1850 the average human consumed about 20 pounds of sugar per year in 1994 120 pounds of sugar per year alongside becoming more and more sedentary this coincides with obviously diabetes other issues cardiovascular issues so we know sugar is not a good thing but it’s all a delicate balance now there is different
Kinds of Sugar Names to look on a table.
Kinds of sugar so when you look on a tabel you do need to be careful because it’s not just going to outright say sugar sometimes okay sometimes you are going to see things like dextrin or dextrose you are going to see fructose sometimes you are going to see high fructose corn syrup you’re going to see maltodextrin you’re going to see various rice syrup like white rice syrup or brown rice syrup you’ll also see corn syrup or corn syrup solids these things are sugar and they may not show on the nutrition fact as sugar it might just show as a carbohydrate.
How you might feel if you are consuming too much sugar
Just jump right now what you might feel if you’re having too much sugar because you need to understand the feelings first before we get to the specific amounts so I’ll break down literally how many grams you should have but you need to know what it feels like the first obvious one is the weight gain piece if you’re gaining weight that’s an obvious one but puffiness specifically in the face okay you’ll notice if you go overboard on sugar one day you might feel puffier in the face if you are urinating a lot okay if you’re running to the bathroom this isn’t just a sign of insulin resistance or diabetes just having excess sugar can do this as well if you start noticing that your joints are hunting more this is a telltale symptom simply because there is definitely evidence that suggests that sugar can lead to an inflammatory response especially when that bucket isn’t being emptied feeling fatigued. I am not just talking about blood sugar crash I’m talking flat out having a hard time getting motivated I notice even during the holidays if have more sugar it’s harder for me to get motivated it doesn’t give me the energy like some people say it does it demotivates me and that’s because it’s affecting neurotransmitters it’s affecting the brain and finally trouble sleeping this was definitely one that comes to be I noticed that a lot especially if I have sugar in the evening time so
IF you are an active person how much sugar can you have?
Let’s say you’re an active person let’s talk about this how much sugar you can get away with having per day this is the one category where you have to do a tiny bit of math now don’t get scared you can skip ahead to the next section but I think this is important because if you are having a period of your life where you’re active this is important so when you exercise your amount of sugar that you burn is dependent upon your training or your work out is your exercise if you were to exercise at a hundred percent capacity 100 intensity you would be utilizing a hundred percent carbohydrates but not many people are exercising at 100 intensity so what you want to do is you want to figure how much hard were you working out and how long so it looks like one gram of carbohydrates or one gram of sugar has four calories so if you went out on a run or you went on the elliptical and you burned 400 calories in simple math if you were working at a hundred percent intensity that would equal a hundred grams of sugar that would imply you could burn 100 grams of sugar here’s the problem you’re not training at a hundred percent right so you want to consider the percentage of your intensity if you were working out at 75 intensity you burned 75 carbs if you were working at 50 intensity you burned 50 carbs so a simple example is yesterday I went for one hundred run and my watch said I burned about 400 calories so that would be 100 grams of sugar at 100 percent but I was running at about 50 intensity it was a slow jog so when I do the math there say well fifty percent of 100 grams of sugar that’s 50 grams of sugar that means that generally speaking I could consume 50 grams of sugar on that day before I start getting the negative side effects very simply did I consume that 50 grams of sugar no I didn’t it doesn’t mean you have to it just gives you that allowance now what I’m trying to instill here is the understanding that sugar or carbohydrates really in general need to be thought of as a fuel there’s no reason absolutely no reason for you to have sugar above and beyond what your workout needs were so that’s how you factor things in if you were working at 25 intensity it would have only been 25 percent or 25 grams if that makes sense
IF you’re a sedentary person, how much.
Sugar Can you have?
Now let’s move into a sedentary category because now we look at this bucket and we remember if I’m filling this bucket but I’m never getting a chance to dump it out with exercise it’s filling up quickly which means a sedentary person is much more likely to experience the negative side effects of sugar than an active person what you have to remember is that when you consume sugar and you’re spiking your insulin this insulin is stopping fat loss from occurring because insulin blunts that response but the elevated levels of insulin are also encouraging that sugar to go into a fat cell yes that can make you gain weight yes that can make you fat but worse than that it can trigger these fat cells to release inflammatory cytokines and you have inflammation so what you experience as a sedentary person when you overdo the sugar you experience much more in the way of joint pain much more in the way of brain fog much more in the way of just general fatigue you’re going to feel it probably in your lower back you’re going to feel it in your hips you’re going to feel it in places that active people might not because they are incinerating those sugars and you are piling them over and that excess has a more profound effect but there is something that you can also do if you’re sedentary to manipulate the timing of the sugar a little bit not giving you a license to have a bunch but I want to generally say that if you’re sedentary you should not exceed 25 grams of sugar now we’re talking sugar not carbs no more than 25 grams of sugar you can possibly get away with a little bit more if you consume it in the morning here’s an interesting study it was published in the journal scientific reports they took two groups of people and they had one group consume High carbohydrates in the morning until 3;30 p.m and then they switched to low carb high fat in the afternoon the other group went high fat in the morning and high carb in the afternoon what they found is that the overall glucose levels were 7.9 percent higher throughout the entire day when carbohydrates were ingested in the evening or afternoon they also found that those that had the carbs in the afternoon had much worse glucose tolerance which means they had less ability to handle sugar one of the things that I do if I’m carving something sweet and I don’t want to have sugar I use those element electrolyte packets because they’re sweet but they’re something called an NST neuron that’s in our brain and it receives a signal from salt and when salt hits that sig or triggers that signal it can actually make it so we’re not carving sugar these sugar carvings are some of the toughest things to beat and the way that I’ve combated this is by having electrolytes
Get LMNT Electrolytes and receives a free sample flavor pack!
Now the nice thing with the element packets is they are also sweet you can get unflavored ones but they have like a lemon lime a citrus salt they have lemon habanero have chocolate salt so you’re talking five calories or less and something that you can sip on that kind of gives you that satisfaction that you’re having something sweet so I popped the link down below it gets you a free sample pack along with purchase so that way you try it out but also get an entire variety pack along with your purchase so you can give it to a friend that way you can share it with people and kind of turn them onto it or you can just be greedy and enjoy all the different flavors yourself .
If you are an average person, how much sugar can you have?
The big amount of sugar not good for diet
Person which is where most people are going to fall into this category this is people that maybe exercise a little bit in the morning but then there’s sedentary the rest of the day or maybe they get up and move around a fair bit throughout the day maybe you know a good example will be a stay at home or someone that works a moderately active job where you’re moving but you are not honestly training hard the recommended amount of sugar would be 35-ish grams on the high side and this actually falls right in line with the recommended daily allowance which I usually don’t align with but in this particular case I think this is reasonable I think you should cut out the sugar I don’t think you should be there if you’re looking for that upper limit 35 is where I would really be after that you’ll start to notice the symptoms what’s interesting is that as you’re moving around throughout the day.
Why you should try to be active all day
If you exercise in the morning but then you’re sedentary the rest of the day it’s almost as bad as just being sedentary all the time and that’s not to take the wind out of your sail with the exercise in the morning it’s to encourage you to move throughout the day you get more amnesty to consume carbs.